March 10, 2005


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This is Erin Kristine Burns... at four months via ultrasound.

Yes, it is a girl. My first thought: "How in the blue hell am I going to pay for her wedding?" Yeah, something to definitely tell her when she grows up...

Yes, I am happy. Yes, I am scared. Yes, karma kicked me in the ass on this one. I tempted fate once too many times by talking about having a boy and what happened? Well...

This is how I felt (all apologies to G. Trudeau):

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Yes, Duke... It is a girl. Does it change anything? Well, it is hard for a girl to play in the NFL or become a professional wrestler (of any substance, not a ring diva), but I think I can live with that.

Kris and I went to Tacoma to check on things and get a few tests done. She got one test where you take a small sample of the fluid inside the womb (ambrio... something, forgive me for not knowing the term right now) to have it checked to see if (Erin) has any defects. It was mostly for my benefit, because that is what I'm most scared of...

All I ask is for a healthy child. That's it. Oh, one that can take a joke and fire back an insult if she's teased in the school yard, but healthy and normal nonetheless.

Everything else is fine. We even have an ultrasound snapshot of her feet. She played with them throughout the whole screening. Oh, she also moved so much that it took longer than normal to see everything. Yeah, this is a Burns child. Cooperative, nah. A little difficult, ah hell yeah.

Other than that, life isn't bad here. Well, other than the fact that the karma shift has moved me into another direction, we're all fine here.

(c) R. Burns


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